The file format chosen to save the EVPs looks to be native to Mac OS as an internal file format, but it isnt a format that popular programs like Quicktime and iTunes can play apparently... And no obvious information in the app about what to do with the file after syncing it to the computer.. And thats critical to making this useful. Thats absurd being that iTunes is used to retrieve the files off of the phone. This was not well-thought through as to how easy the user experience is. Worst of all, the "customer support" links take you to a generic page on the website. No direct link. No good links found digging around for a couple minutes either. The "software" links and sublink for iPhone apps dont even mention that they authored this program. Not one mention. Not proud of their program? The usefullness of this app is doubtful without good instructions. With no obvious support links, its even less..
Mapplimatic about Ghost Hunter EVP