Not possible to store data!? We need it :-) and file transfert... not usuable until that.
Not possible to store data!? We need it :-) and file transfert... not usuable until that.
Bon enregistreur mais impossible découter ce que lon enregistre dans cette version. A améliorer. Good recorder but impossible to read the record in this version. A update to modify this and 2 stars added.
All this does is record sound. I must be missing something - no controls , slow play speed... I cant believe Apple would let this be advertised as anything but a mega-simple sound recorder. CRAP
Mine doesnt even play back! Dont buy!
Wow...I was expecting a little more than this. At least some graphical features and the ability to loop all or parts of the recordings. This is pretty well the same app that apple gives you for free. Gotta admit, I had high hopes for this one, I am quite disappointed. To be honest this is crap app! Put it on your do not buy list!!! This app was updated and I must say it is nice to see that the developer is trying. It still needs more updates. Hopefully it gets better.
This is one of the biggest bull crap I ever seen! Totally waste of money! Ur recorder on ur phone does a better job! Cant believe they charge 1.99$ for this crap! Seriously it doesnt work! No replay have to send it in an email! SAVE YOUR MONEY!!!! Its a scam ! Apple should take it off and give people back there money, make them pay!
Impossible to listen audio in the app, impossible to send it by mail. And no update for many months.
Dont waste your money. Its just a recorder. Nothing else. I have given it many tries in many paranormal locations and I have had better luck on my blackberry recorder. Waste of money!
It only worked a couple of times, I mostly had nothing but trouble with it.
I was looking forwArd to this app. But it wont even open. Waste 99 cents
This app does record well, the mic is very sensitive, and it does amplify sounds. One downfall is you cant review recordings until they have been downloaded on your computer. It would be more practical to be able to listen to the recording on the app. Also, with my longer recordings, when I try to export the Ipod froze, and just restarted itself every time. Also, when I try to open the app on the computer to export, it wont open.I still have not been able to export these recordings, which are extremely important. I emailed the creator, and if they get back to me with a way to export these recordings successfully, I will make a better review.
I like this one.... It picks up everything... I made sounds across the room that my regular voice recorder on my phone didnt pick up, but this did. As for reviewing, all you have to do is email it to yourself and u can listen to it through ur email on ur phone without getting on the computer. So its about 1 minute from recording to reviewing..... Love it!
This app is horrible and Ghost Hunters should be upset that their name is even attached to it. When I pay for an app I expect it to be easily functional. I dont want to have to send a freaking email to myself so that I can hear my evp session. This app is a waste of time. Dont waste your money. By the way may e you ghost hunters should endorse a better product.
The mic part is great. Very clear. Picked up noises I didnt hear the first time, and clicking noise. Exports just find, and opens just fine. Would have given 5 stars if you could play it back on the iPhone.
I have picked up a handful EVPs and were able to playback on my iPhone without exporting. I use export so I can transfer file to my computer and use a audio enhancement software to clean up some unwanted background noise. All you have to do is double tap the file turn up the volume and you have playback.
For those of you talking about e-mailing the recording to yourself: all you have to do is tap the recording (under "Menu") to play it back instantly. The sound is very clear and it picks up a lot. Overall, its a fun little app. Good to have while exploring historic buildings and such :)
Me and my friends loved it thanks we had a great time using it in our hunt for ghosts
I got this program because Im going on a ghost hunt this summer at Mansfield Penn. in central Ohio. So I really wont get a legit chance to use it until then. No instruction, so thats not cool... Seems ok though. Ill give it a three for average. I mean, its really just a recorder with a cool background.
It does record EVPs very well. But the only thing that is wrong with mine is that it will not send an email out please fix it!